Wednesday, 29 July 2009
espresso brownies
2 cups light brown sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¾ cup butter (softened)
1 shot espresso (or 3 tablespoons very strong coffee)
1 tablespoon ground espresso/coffee
4 large eggs
2 ½ bars dark chocolate chopped into small pieces.
Preheat oven
Grease a 9in square baking pan
Beat brown sugar, butter in a medium mixing bowl.
Add eggs, vanilla, espresso and salt. Beat until well blended.
Stir in espresso grounds, flour and baking powder, mixing until smooth.
Fold in the chocolate chunks.
Spread batter into the greased pan
Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 45minutes.
Once cooled lightly dust brownies with icing sugar, cut the brownies and serve with whipped cream, drizzled cream or a dollop of your favourite ice-cream. Best served with a cup of espresso based beverage, for that caffeine kick.
cook's notes: the brownies turned out perfect, they did taste of coffee once cooled, but when still warm they mostly tasted of all the chocolate I added to the mixture.
my thought process on making the brownies went something like this:
"hmm I think I will make some espresso brownies for Frizbe's birthday."
*googles espresso brownies*
*reads a dozen different espresso brownie recipes*
"Hmm ok then but I don't have espresso powder I have ground lavazza espresso, and I'm not using a brownie mix"
*sets out ingredients to make brownies*
*pulls tattered favourite brownie recipe out of file*
*ignores every googled recipe for espresso brownies, flicks espresso machine on an expiriments*
*pops brownies in the oven and eats brownie batter while pretending to do the dishes*
*ding brownies are done*
Monday, 27 July 2009
porcelain butterfly

One of the last tables I visited before the Boy fleeced me out of the last money in my wallet to play tombola again was a porcelain stall of Elaine Lim-Newton's pretty handmade goods. I bought the lovely little pink porcelain butterfly button from her, though I fear I didn't talk very much as it was very busy. I would have bought more if the Boy hadn't been tugging at my hand wanting to get ice cream and play the games again. I have googled Elaine but she doesn't appear to have a blog at this time, but she is a local artist so I'm sure I will be able to track her creations down at local galleries and events.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes
2 1/2 cups self raising flour
1 ½ cup caster (white) sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter (softened)
1 cup milk
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
24 flat bottomed ice-cream cones
Put the flour, salt, and baking powder in a small bowl. In another bowl mix the vanilla and milk together.
Beat the butter and sugar together in a large bowl.
Add half the flour and beat until well blended.
Add half the milk and the vanilla and beat until well mixed.
Add the eggs one at a time mixing well between additions.
Add the remainder of the flour blend thoroughly.
Add the remainder of the milk and vanilla.

Spoon the batter into the ice cream cones filling them ¾ full. bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 C until it springs back when you touch them.
Remove from oven and let cool for about 5 minutes, before placing onto a rack to finish cooling completely. When cool ice with cream cheese frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting
1 8oz package cream cheese
½ cup butter (softened)
2 ½ cups powdered/icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Blend together cream cheese, vanilla and butter, slowly adding in the sugar a bit at a time… you can separate the icing into different bowls to add food colouring, and you can sprinkle the “ice cream” with sprinkles, shaved chocolate, fruit or even a flake as I did.
Cook’s notes: I made these for H’s school fair, every single ice cream cone, cupcake and brownie I made sold. *preens* sorry the pictures aren't as good as they could be, the day was manic with baking cupcakes, brownie cupcakes, and decorating them that I only managed a few quick pictures.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
of teddy bears playing guitars and little chicks

Friday, 17 July 2009
blue needlebook

Wednesday, 15 July 2009
from tin can to penholder
behold a little pen holder, my brain possibly may have ran away at the time of its creation the other day, but I think it's turned out rather nice and functional too. Its a small coffee tin (Waitrose espresso) covered with a vintage dictionary page that I sewed three fabric tear shapes onto, and stamped the words "...three tears like bitter jewels..." I'm not entirely sure why but that's what popped into my brain when I dragged my stamps out, so that is what I stamped. Its glued to the can with some multipurpose glue
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
10 books Meme

Name ten books that have stuck with you, and have helped to shape your world.Don't take too long to think about it , simply list the first Ten books that you can think of in ten minutes or less. Books you have read that will always stick with you. tag 10 friends if you wish to share the meme. This meme was on facebook but I thought I would share it here because it was an interesting exercise.
and here goes in no particular order
1. The Stand by Stephen King - my dad gave me this book to read when I was around 12 and it was fantastic, it is by far my favourite King novel, it is very complex with a wide assortment of characters, good vs. evil, plague, apocalypse, the end of civilization…
2. Where the Sidewalk Ends, and A Light in the Attic by Shell Silverstien- My dad got me these for two consecutive Christmas when I was a kid and I sat all day reading the poems and was thoroughly enchanted.
3. Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder- my great aunt got me the set of books when I was too small to read them, they sat in my room for years until I was old enough to read them, and realized that they were the real stories of what happened to Laura and not just the tv show which I adored. I spent whole summers playing in the fields pretending I was Laura living on the prairie with just the dogs and cats as my companions.
4. A Thousand Words for Stranger- Julie E. Czerneda- the author is a biologist and as such creates a vivid world of aliens, star ships, and worlds beyond ours. I have read this at least 3 times and I fall in love with it every time I read it.
5. Illusion by Paula Volsky- it’s the French revolution with magic, I have read this twice and it broke my heart and mended it both times, the book is so vividly written that I fell into it and couldn't put it down. I think the book is at my parents’ house in a box somewhere I must dig it out next time we visit if I can remember to.
6. Merry Gentry and Anita Blake novels by Laurel K Hamilton- I’m lumping them together even though they are 2 series with at least 20 books between them. Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, whatever flavour you want to call them, I love the worlds Hamilton has created, especially that of the dark fairies.
7. Enslaved by Virginia Henley historical romance/time travel/destiny….in late high school and college I had a thing for reading historical romance.. And sci fi/fantasy romance.. There wasn’t so big a “Paranormal/Urban” romance section back then, Henley packs a heavy punch with some of the historical details in her novels. (I was such a history geek at the time.. though where all that knowledge has gone I'll never know)
8. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen .. I didn’t read it in high school, I got lumbered with All Quite on the Western Front and Jane Eyre, both I loathed and skimmed through the cliffs notes to write papers and pass the tests for. Pride and Prejudice was on my list for years, I loved the BBC mini series but never got around to reading the book until a few years ago, and I loved it almost as much as the mini series and I probably never would have loved it in high school.
9. The princess bride by William Goldman ..what can I say but …My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die!
10. The Secret of the Unicorn Queen series by various authors.. Its a series written for tweens or young adults.. My parents bought them for me for my birthday and I was hooked read them over and over again, except for the last book I got mad at it because the girl choose to go home to boring Earth instead of staying in the world of magic and her own unicorn.. I wrote an alternative ending (my first fan fic I suppose) the book got stolen when I was sick and left it in my desk at school but I still have the rest of the series in a box at my parents house.
I'm not saying these books are classics or that they are the best books ever, but they are a part of me because I love them, and reading has helped to shape me into being the person that I am. No matter how scatterbrained that may be.
Monday, 13 July 2009
the 50's B Movie Swap (what I sent)
My partner for the 50's B Movie Craft Swap was Juanita who is utterly fabulous and I was in a terrible tizzy over what to make her for the swap. I was full of ideas and inspiration, and the swap was my idea in the first place so I wanted to make something that was fantastic. OK maybe not fantastic but something that Juanita would be happy to own and not hide away in a dark corner with only a 5 legged spider, a dead fly, and a dustbunny for company.

(I forgot to take pictures so snagged this from her blog)
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
needlebook for Vintage Violet
I made this little needle book yesterday while H watched X-Men Evolution. I was really inspired to get this done as Megan was mooning over the fabric on her blog the other day. I left a comment on her blog saying I make her something with the fabric in exchange for some of her hoard of vintage buttons. She agreed to the swap even after my dire warnings of my wonky sewing abilities.

I wish I had ordered more from each shop but I promised M I would be careful with my ordering and not spend more than what I sell in my etsy shop. So in that case I will be adding a few more items to my etsy shop very soon!
Monday, 6 July 2009
blueberry and banana muffins
1/2 cup butter at room temp
1 cup caster/white granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt (a pinch)
1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
2 medium sized brown bananas (smashed with the back of a fork)
2 cups self- raising flour
1/2 cup milk
Heat oven to 375°F (180 c).
Grease 18 regular-size muffin cups (or 12 large size muffins) or line muffin tins with paper cases.
In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time, beating after each.
Beat in vanilla, baking powder and salt.
With spoon, fold in half of flour then half of milk into batter.
Fold in the remainder of the flour, and then the remainder of the milk.
Gently fold blueberries and mashed banana into the batter and spoon into muffin cups.
Bake 20 minutes, or until golden brown and springy to touch.
cook's notes: I probably have a half dozen different blueberry muffin recipes, this recipe takes a little more work with the mixer but it gives you a really light and fluffy muffin that melts in your mouth. And can I just say I was so happy to serve the muffins on the cake stand I made! *glee*
p.s. H has been quite poorly with the flu over the weekend so I got no crafting done, and very little of anything else. He is home today and appears to be on the mend or so it seems from his arguing with Scooby Doo on the tv, and earlier making paper lasagna...I don't know either but it was very important to him.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
The Button Thief
by Apryl Lowe
Once there was a pair of blackbirds, with shiny black wings and a beautiful song in the hearts. They had a little nest swaying high in a willow tree. Inside the nest, a pale blue egg the colour of the summer sky.
The egg soon hatched a tiny little bird, as blue as the sky. Mother Blackbird kept her warm in the nest, and Father Blackbird found a button to give his lovely daughter.
A fledgling bird Skye learned to fly, but fell to the ground. A woman dressed in Sunday best, with red buttons on her coat, rescued poor the poor little bird. The little chirped and hopped on the woman’s hand, she pulled a shiny red button from the woman’s coat and flew off into the willow tree.
One little bird feathers bright as the midday sky, she found a wee mask and became a thief.
The button thief she stole a button shining silver in the sun.
Then she stole more, and more, from the men, women and children that walked in the park, from the shops in the town, a treasure trove in the haberdashery.
Round buttons, square buttons, wooden buttons, shell buttons, plastic buttons, metal buttons, cloth buttons, none were safe from the Button Thief.
Red ones and blue ones, yellow ones and orange ones, shining pearl and carved oak, bright silver, tarnished brass, each shining, button a new treasure to steal.
She sat and preened up high in the willow tree, and admired the beautiful buttons in her nest. Her eyes were keen on the ground, and on the people all around, for the beautiful buttons they might wear.
The end
the button thief illustration is on a vintage book page from a battered copy of Alice through the Looking-glass, black tea, acrylic paint, and ink were used in the illustration, along with one vintage red button. The light was a bit off when I took the photo but paint shop helped to some degree, I will attempt to photograph the illustration again when it has finished drying and flattening.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Cake Stand Tutorial
Cake Stand Tutorial
What You Need:
* a pretty plate
* an old candlestick, vase (small and sturdy with a wide base is best), large espresso shot glass, or a thick glass
* super glue, or craft glue ( I used superglue as I never seem to have much luck with craft glue)
* tape (masking, cella or craft tape)
1. Choose your plate and base, and make sure that the plate balances on the candlestick (or other base)
2. Clean and Dry both the plate and the candlestick.
3. Find the centre of the back of the plate and mark it with a marker pen.
4. Apply superglue to the candlestick and the bottom of the plate.
5. Firmly but gently press the candlestick onto the bottom of the plate.
6. It may be necessary to apply tape across the candlestick while the glue dries.
7. Once dry (over night or a few hours depending on the glue used) use as a display item or cake stand. Wash gently depending on the durability of the glue used.