When you knit a cover to keep your fingers from getting burned on your double tall latte, one sugar please. Actually its not mine Its the first Item I knit that wasn't a scarf. Well My husband would probably argue that it is indeed a scarf only very small with the ends sewn together. And there are buttons! I sewed buttons on and I'm just not very adept at that sort of thing, any way its cute and it did actually get used, and only took a short while to make, and it involves coffee so what could there be
that's better than that?
Mmmmm coffee I could just go for one now.
Pattern? Pattern? we don't need no stinking patterns. Well actually I got the idea from a picture I saw of something similar on the
Internet but it was hand sewn cloth and not knitted, but I gave it a go and was pleased with the result even if my husband thought it was funny, he still used it
every time we went to Starbucks while visiting my parents in Northern Idaho.
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