Wednesday, 29 August 2007


Here it is, two months late for Meg's birthday but I have finally finished Firefly scarf. I'm quite happy with how it has turned out, especially the little pocket detail.
The scarf isn't from a pattern I designed it myself, it was really quite simple and I think the noro wool really speaks for itself. Plus I'm totally hopeless at understanding knitting patterns, I just like to sit down and knit while watching CSI, body counts and knitting needles what could be better. I hope Meg likes it, and will use it when it actually gets chilly in Northern California. It was a good little project and I haven't got a clue what I will do next, probably another scarf or something to that extent as I have quite a stash of wool that could do with shrinking down a bit.
Below is a picture of the sketch I drew for my scarf design, If you didn't read the previous post about this scarf then I'll say again that I took inspiration from the show Firefly (Serenity the movie) and wanted to make something that I thought would fit right into the show. Because both Meg and I watched the show and loved it, and besides some of the other tv shows that we have in common might have ended up with something a bit to goth (supernatural, angel, buffy) or too geeky (star trek(s)) ;o) .. could have always done something from one of the god-awful movies that we used to watch over and over again when we were in high school, though I don't think Earth Girls Are Easy lends well to knitting.

a very sketchy sketch

I'll get around to posting it to you later this week Meg!

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