Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Experiments in Cheesecake

ok have been expirimenting with cheesecake today one a dark chocolate and marscapone cheesecake, the other a smaller cinnamon peach cheesecake, I haven't sorted out a recipe yet because we havent eaten them yet. The Dark Chocolate Cheesecake is for a dinner party tommorow night, and the peach one is for M for pudding later, although I'm sure he would rather have the chocolate one all to himself. The mixtures tasted nice if thats any help but I'm not sure yet how the chocolate one will set hopefully it will be ok and not turn hard as a rock but I won't really know till tommorow night. fingers crossed.


  1. dark chocolate cheesecake = yum!

    i have to make nigellas chocolate cloud cake tomorrow for a ladies only indulgence night on at school. just an excuse to sit around with no kids, glass of wine, have a chat and eat puddings!!

  2. Just back from the dinner party, can report, chocolate cheesecake fabulous :-)

  3. oh my gosh - that cheesecake is making me hungry. Can you come and live next door to me and bake me cakes purlease!!!!

  4. I glanced at the picture and the headline experiments in cheescake and saw a cheescake with chips.

    (it was a quick glance)


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