Monday, 26 November 2007

Dragonfly Scarf

Its not much to look at but I just finished knitting this little scarf last night, made with Noro Silk Garden, its a simple knit skinny scarf with obvious tassely bits on the ends. I fell in love with the wool and just had to make something with it and other than the coffee cup warmer! I wore it today but didn't quite have the nerve to take my picture wearing it. On my needles now is a grey and white spiders web scarf, and um that's about it but I do need to work on my stash and I have set myself the goal of learning to knit a simple lace design this week, we shall see how well that goes.

Oh and H wants a red scarf to match his red and black winter coat, and I want to get a bigger set of circular needles and attempt to knit a hat again, perhaps this time it wont go diabolically wrong. and I want to make some wrist warmers, though I'm not sure what wool and who for.

Putting aside the knitting for now I have some canvases that are in desperate need of a repaint, and first paint on a few, and also need homes for some of them so if I get brave enough I might put one up for sale or trade in the next few weeks. *fingers crossed and brave face on*


  1. go girl, scarf is very nice in flesh too!

  2. Oooh pretty! I wish I'd got to see it in person on Saturday!

    If you're doing more and more on the knitting front you might want to sign up for Ravelry (there's a button on my blog) which has all sorts of forums, groups and pattern info for you to browse. A word of warning though - it's addictive!

  3. julie, sorry I didn't jet to talk to you more on saturday, mind I'm not a big talker any way especially in busy situations like that! will look into ravelry though!


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