Thursday, 22 November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving everyone! Today is a busy day as H and I are off to play for the day and I'm going to a dinner out this evening, which I need to bring a dessert to, I'm thinking cheesecake, not traditional thanksgiving fair, but I have the ingredients for it, cream cheese sugar, and lemons and mandarins, not sure which flavour to make. Its not a thanksgiving dinner just a girls night that got moved to a thursday. As M has been poorly this past week with a migraine I thought I would transfer a thanksgiving type meal to sunday instead when he has no work and I can barricade myself in the kitchen for a few hours. I honestly forgot it was thanksgiving, possibly becuse it has no meaning here, and is just an afterthought on a calender page, just another day.

If we are at my parents house for the holiday it would be turkey with sausage stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, squash, apple pie, vegtables all the good stuff. Except for pumpkin pie, we are not pumpkin pie people never have been. Since living in england I have done thanksgiving a bit less formal a dinner affair, for starters I have never cooked a whole turkey, I'm sure my father is shaking his head for the shame of it. Normally I just cook a turkey breast, which is plenty big enough, and stuffing, mashed potatoes (sometimes with chedder cheese), sweet potatoes with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and maple syrup, and apple pie and ice cream for dessert. hmm I think I probably need to go shopping as all i have are some potoatoes.

Happy Turkey Day

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