Brown Sugar cookies with Chocolate chunks
2 ½ cups self raising flour
1 cup butter
½ cup white sugar
1 cup light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 eggs
1 ½ bars of dark chocolate (milk chocolate if you prefer) roughly chopped
1 cup pecans or almonds. (optional)
Pre-heat the oven to 375° F
In a small bowl mix the four and cinnamon, if you don’t have self -raising flour then use plain flour and add to it 1 tsp baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt.
In a large bowl beat the butter, vanilla extract, and sugars together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time. Add the cinnamon and flour slowly until well blended.
By hand stir in the roughly chopped chocolate and nuts.
Drop the dough by teaspoon onto un-greased cookie sheet. For larger cookies drop by the tablespoon.
Bake for 10 minutes, until the centre is puffed up and the edges begin to brown.
Remove from the oven, let them cool for a minute on the baking tray before placing on a wire rack to cool.
Enjoy with a glass of milk!
cooks notes: these cookies were meant to be cinnamon oatmeal cookies, but M and H whined and whimpered that they wanted chocolate chip cookies. I said they weren't going to touch my Toll House Chocolate Chips as I lugged them all the way back from Idaho for Christmas not any other time. As M is a complete chocoholic and H is one in training there is never much chocolate in the house except for the bits of dark chocolate I hide away for myself and baking purposes. They don't really like it, or at least not the extremely high percentages I must resort to in order to have a little bit to myself. In a huff I riffled through the cupboards until I found a bar and a half of 72 percent dark chocolate and chopped it up and added it to the bowl of brown sugar and cinnamon cookie mix. The cookies turned out great, there is that lovely mix of the spicy cinnamon, the dark smooth bitterness of the dark chocolate and the heavy sweetness of the brown sugar that mingle and compliment each other. Gorgeous
p.s. I'm sure Santa would love these!
I love them never mind santa, handa off pal, they're mine ;-)