Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Easter Swap Reveal

button egg shaped ornament

red coral bracelet

These are the items I made for the mumsnet easter swap, I am aware that red isn't your typical Easter color but its one of my easter swap partner Chloe's favourite colours. I'm quite proud of the button egg ornament, its only small but effective and is actually quite easter. I debated adding a bit of ribbon to it... but as I don't actually own any ribbon that was a bit of a moot point. I also made a card with the bits left over from making all those cards for the Studio. But I completly forgot to take a picture so you will have to have a look at Chloe's blog " Mee Crafty " where she has placed a teaser of what she has made for me.

The bracelet is red coral, silver, and silver plated chain clasp, I have had the red coral for a while and until now I just could not figure out how to best incorperate it when its such a stand alone vibrant colour.

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