Tuesday, 19 February 2008


Lincoln Cathedral

frosted berries in the cathedral quarter

Perhaps not thest best weather for it but today we had a ride out to Lincoln for the day, We decided to do this a few days ago when it was supposed to be lovely weather for the day. Obviously that didn't happened, as it was positvely artic with freezing fog, everywhere looked like a winter wonderland, stright out of Narnia, H thought it was magical, magical and lovely until we made him climb up the hill to get to the Cathedral in Lincoln.

It was actually a great day out, despite the cold, I got to have a good nosey round all the independant shops, in the Cathedral Quarter, bought some marmite bread, and Lincolnshire Imp chedder cheese. We didn't pay to go through the cathedral just had a look around the exterior, I have been round the inside before, and you can see why it was used in the DaVinci Code, becuse it is a stunning building. H had no time for it as all he wanted to do was go back down the hill to go to Cafe Nero's for a hot chocolate to warm up. bless.


  1. Looks like the leaves have been dipped in sugar. Fab pics !

  2. oh, i love lincoln cathedral, it is one of my favourite places to visit. my mum went to school just down the road from it and used to go in on her way home every day she loved it so much too!

    yesterday was the first day we actually had our heating on all day it was so cold!


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