Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Baubles, Bangles, and Beads Oh My!

cherry adventurine, nephrite jade, and sterling silver

garnet and silver bracelet

I haven't got much crafting done this week as it has been busy here this week. Monday we had the loft ladder people come and install a brand new wooden loft ladder. So now we we be able to sort out the attic and turf out all the stuff that has gone up there to die. Yesterday we had a lovely family trip out to Cadbury World with some vouchers from tesco's. S o we only paid 95p to get in and ended up with a bag of free chocolate worth more than that. Sadly I am not a fan of cadbury's chocolate, I prefer good quality dark chocolate, but M and H were quite happy.

The two bracelets I made this morning are with left over bits of beads as I am waiting for a bead delivery that should have come monday morning but is still not here. The cherry adventurine and jade is my favourite, I wasn't sure at first as I don't tend to wear colours that are that bright but it looks good and espcially with the beautiful sterling silver clasp from BobbiThisnThat , it arrived in the post this mornign with a few other goodies I ordered and I couldn't wait to put it to good use.

Everyone seems happy with their Vintage Swap partners, so hopefully everyone is crafting happily. I will start crafting for my swap partner Mel of Skye Rocket Sews ( I just love the name of her blog) on friday when H is at school all day and I can craft happily without interuption.

keep a look out becuse its my blog-iversery (spelling?) soon and I will be posting some give aways so keep a look out and post some lovely comments.


  1. ooooohhhhhh....I love that cherry and jade bracelet....I love pink and green together...I am going to email you about that, yes I am!

  2. *lol* that has made my day...

  3. Thanks for the shout out!
    I'm very excited about our swap.Your work is beautiful!
    Happy Easter,

  4. Git. I was going to email you about the cherry jade bracelet too but that sneaky annieb got in first!!!
    Boo hiss.

  5. I've tagged you on my blog....


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