Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Crafting to Boston Legal

cherry adventurine and peridot bracelet

russian adventurine (I think)

dolomite and silver bracelet

I haven't had alot of time to craft the last few days, and am running low on a few bead essentials. But with what bits I have left in my beading stash I made these three bracelets lastnight. I'm quite happy with then except for the clasp on the adventurine one, its nice but just dosn't work with the rest of the bracelet. On the plus side in the post this morning came an order of toggles from etsy so I will have a play tommorow with my new toys!

I have also been working on some ideas for my vintage craft swap and deciding what to put up for a blog give away so check back in a day or two and see what you can win.

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