Sunday, 2 March 2008

Mother's Day

teal blue candy jade and ice flake quartz bracelet

amethyst, peridot, and silver bracelet

wooden beaded bracelet for Frizbe's DD2

Some how Mother's day, my supposed day of luxury turned out to be incredibly busy. H woke at 6:30 ish as usual. The M and H trooped downstairs, I had hoped to get a lie in but ten minutes later they were looming over me with coffee and cards. It was sweet but I can't help thinking sleeping till 9 would have been the best present. ;o)

M had booked a surprise, he had booked at table at Shottle Hall Country House Hotel
for a beautiful Mother's Day lunch. Gorgeous food but way too much to eat, I had spring pea soup for a starter, my main course was perfectly roasted beef with a red wine gravy and fresh vegetables, and my pudding was raspberry and hazelnut pavlova. M and his mum took H out to run wild around the gardens while I read the paper and enjoyed a coffee. Just before leaving the hotelier ( owner of the hotel) came to talk to us as she knows M as he has done weddings there and taken photos for them. She was very kind and let us have a look round the basement, because that is very exciting when you are 4 or just nosey like us.

After lunch we headed back to attend Frizbe's DD2's second birthday party. We gave her a bag of assorted peppa pig socks, drink bottle, pj's, and the little pink and green beaded bracelet above. Frizbe asked me to get some plastic bangles for her, but for some reason I could not find anything that I though she wouldn't strangle herself with, or wasn't horribly over priced so in the end I bought some wood beads and made an elasticated bracelet myself. With a little help from H, who strung 2 beads before wandering off, then returned to examine the finished bracelet. He proceeded to try it on then marched around the house wearing it for 20 minutes.


  1. dd2 loves it, I had a right fight on my hands getting it off her when it came to bed. Bless she was soooo happy and excited :-)

  2. lovely bracelets, as always...sounds like a perfect day, aprt from the too early start!


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