Thursday, 3 April 2008

Garnet in Bloom

garnet bracelet with a silver plated blossom toggle clasp

This was meant to be a necklace, well the clasp was intended to adorn a necklace, but as I am woefully short of beads with our impending holiday this clasp has been appropriated into this lovely bracelet. I have just finished wearing it as wandered about the room, Thank god H is napping and M is at work, as I'm sure I looked like I had truly lost it, perhaps I have. I'm really pleased with the finished bracelet, I only wish the sun would make an appearance so I could take a picture with the light streaming through the polished garnet chips.


  1. Oooh that is lovely and that clasp finishes it off perfectly.

  2. That is gorgeous! I just love that clasp, really pretty :-)

  3. Tis lovely, you nutter ;-)

  4. Oh, wow. Off to peek at your Etsy.

  5. Just to let you know I found Clare's Beautiful Beads and Crafts shop, found exactly what I needed, thanks for the directions.


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