Saturday, 31 May 2008

Owlwyn and Friends

Little Owlwyn the baby owl
I'd like to introduce you to a few of my little friends that I painted today. The first is little baby Owlwyn, he is terribly shy and a poor little orphan too, but that's ok because Clarice the chicken likes to mother everyone. Then there is Lucinda the ladybird that like to cause trouble and loves Ben and Jerry's Half-Baked Ice-cream. The last two paintings are a test painting for a russian doll, because I joined Katy's Russian Doll Swap. Though I begin to worry about the poor swappee that gets saddled with me. I also joined the Pink Petal Designs Kitchen Swap, I think I may have gone swap crazy. Somebody help me. Last but not least is the little cupcake painting, its for the cupcake candy and ice-cream challege on the mumsnet crafters blog, and as a challenge on the Uk Crafts Forum.

Clarice the chicken

Lucinda the Ladybird

Russian Doll test painting



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