Tuesday, 24 June 2008

pages and pages

sorry I don't know how to straigten these out in blogger, I should have made a template and one image instead of 8 diffrent ones. This is just a preview of what I have been up to over the weekend, a few need a bit more work and tweeking. My favourite is the little pug Percival, though he turned out a bit more portly than I inteneded. Oh and M says the black and white flapper looks like Kelly Osbourn, not sure about that or if its a compliment or not.

I have beads and toggles that jsut came in the post and we are off to my favourite book store in the world in a minute. Scarthin Books.


  1. Oh I LOVE the little girl with the books - that is so cute! Great pictures Meri!

  2. I think I have the blonde lady in black on a t-shirt non???? is the little girl with the books you?

  3. I love the blue shoe and the little book worm girl !


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