Wednesday, 11 June 2008

The Sorrowing Tree

the sorrowing tree

I have gone back to drawing willow trees again, well just the one so far but she is a very pretty tree on her painted page. I drew the tree the other night while shamefully watching Jack and the Beanstalk on the sci fi channel, it was cheesy but good fun.

I am caffeine deprived today and find myself feeling very un-crafty, there is a pile of bead carnage on the floor, the beads are beautiful but today they don't want to play with me so I have given up and got a glass of coca cola over some ice. They beads might not be working because I on;y have about two toggles left, and they just wont sit happily with any of the beads I have. Maybe Friday then, my next big crafting day when H is at pre-school all day instead of just a scant few hours this morning. Hopefully the crafting fairy will vist me and give me some much needed beading inspiration.


  1. That tree is beautiful. x

  2. Meri, I love the paintings on book pages, I would have them on my walls too! I like the willow tree, the tree with the owl and rapunzel's tower and the little white house the best.

  3. That is hands down, no question, far and away my FAVORITE painting I have seen of yours so far!! I LOVE it!!!!!!! It is GORGEOUS!!

  4. thank you so much.. your lovely comments do mean the world to me... I love it to I have a real soft spot for willow trees...

  5. Tree is lovely, hope the crafting fairy hits you tomorrow (in a nice way of course)


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