Sunday, 15 June 2008

Where the Wild Roses Grow

wild roses



fairy sketch

This mornings crafting, I love how the roses turned out, they are actually on my rose bush in the front yard, if you can call it a yard. I think they might be called dog roses, but I really don't know, they are pretty though. Yesterday we went to Lichfield and I got to potter around the charity shops, where I found absoloutly nothing that I was interested in for my crafts, but I did get to spend a very happy 15 minutes alone in the Spellbound Beads shop, I didn't buy much two focal beads, one green one orange, and a few silver beads too... hopefully I will get a bit of beading done later and see what I can make with them.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. Love that Fairy :-)
    Glad you got 15mins to self with beads :-)

  2. I love wild roses...the last picture you have on there makes me think of the danae painting by Gustav Klimt- do you know it? is very beautiful

  3. Very nice pictures!!!
    I like mine the best,I'm so lucky! I love it!
    Blogged about it today,happy week for you and H ,
    Love Mel.x


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