Friday, 25 July 2008

Back on the Bead Wagon

blue dolmite and black agate bracelet
Don't worry I didn't go completely crazy mad on beading, these are a few things I have been working on over the last few days and not had a chance to photograph. The purple and onyx is my favourite, and if I hadn't have kept the last purple jade bracelet I made I would keep this one too.
Today's to do list includes cleaning the house, as yesterday I spent 3 hours cleaning up the fall out zone that is H's room. He managed to sneak a huge box of ikea hamma beads from the shed up to his room then liberally decorate the whole room with little piles of coloured plastic beads. I was not happy, I was fuming and sent him to play in the garden while I sorted out his room and filled a massive box full of broken toys and games missing pieces and assorted junk that 4 year olds generate with an alarming rate. Off to clear up beady mess and make some mini key lime cheesecakes!

pink candy jade bracelet

purple jade and onyx bracelet

candy jade bracelet

amethyst and nephrite jade earrings


  1. Thank you for the cheese cakes, I think we ate these on Friday night at my mini party right? :-) Yummy.

  2. love the candy jade bracelet especially - really beautiful


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