Thursday, 17 July 2008

Burnt Coconut and Other Follies

Little White House II
This is the second little white house I have painted. The first one went to live with Annie of Overmilkwood fame, as a gift for being so sweet, and for being my biggest jewellery customer. Thanks Annie!

Sigmund the squirrel

I didn't like Sigmund when I first painted him, but somehow he seems to have grown on me.

the masked woman

I'm not sure about the masked woman yet, she just doesn't match the sketch I did which I prefer, perhaps she was just meant to be the sketch, to be in ink and pencil without any fussy bit of acrylic paint.

I know its a horrible horrible picture, don't look at it too long or you may cry, but this is the first mail label design I have come up with that I really like. I may go back to the drawing board though if the quality of this image is anything to go by. Before I ask M to scan it for me.

I bet you are wondering about the burnt coconut bit in my title? maybe just a little.. we I managed to almost burn a batch of coconut cookies. rescused them just in time, before they became burn to a crisp. Its how today seems to be going, nothing over the top bad, just a teensy bit off.

its your last chance to leave a comment on my illustration giveaway, I will draw the lucky winner in the morning, I would say bright and early, but the only one that is bright and early in the morning here is H, I need several cups of coffee before I'm even halfway human.


  1. i like that mail label but think it would look so cute with the button theif instead of a flower!
    mmm.....coconut cookies....yum

  2. Love the mail label, fits beautifully with your style.

  3. Very Whimsical Work--I like it. The backgrounds add so much to your paintings.

  4. Little White House is cute, cute cute !

  5. I think Megan has hit it on the head there :-)
    or maybe an owl?

    I left the crazy bone box in the kitchen with Matt, so hope it got to you, so you could pass it on ok?Was the visit from fil ok?

  6. Oh I LOVE the Squirrel!
    He is brilliant.

  7. heh heh heh heh heh -- that's me - I got the loveliest surprise in the mail from Apryl - that gorgeous little white house - it is so beautiful...can't wait to get it framed and hung up...thanks again you sweetie!


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