Wednesday, 9 July 2008

espresso got framed

espresso vintage painted page in frame

Doesn't it look fantastic? I think so anyway.. although it won't hang on the wall until we move. I had it framed for M as a gift.. then gave him the invoice for it as well... He was most amused, but can you blame me? he does get a discount with the framers via the studio. A bit of good news as well, three of the bracelets I took in for display and sale at the same framing gallery have sold! I am so very pleased at that, unbelievably happy, and she has requested some more bracelets at the end of the month to mix with whatever is left. I was so happy, but I was not going to spend my heard earned jewellery money on the framing of the pic for M.

beautiful bookmark and crocheted brooch
A little while ago I said that I never win anything, and apparently that is not true because I won this beautiful bookmark and crotcheted flower brooch from Sarah at Pink Petal Designs, that the postman delivered to me yesterday morning. Thank you so much Sarah, the book mark is on its way to nestling between the pages of my latest book purchase, the new Laurel K Hamilton Anita Blake novel.

and last but not least this is one of the little purple peppers growing in my green house, I shall miss that greenhouse when we move.


  1. Your picture looks really great, very effective ! Bookmark is lovely too

  2. the picture looks great! The frame totally sets it off brilliantly, doesn't it? (makes mental note to get pic you did for me framed)

  3. Wow that Pepper is good, mine died this year, got too much water from the sky I think.....we need a greenhouse....sob. Love your winning goodies. Great news re your sales at the gallery too :-)

  4. Espresso painting looks lovely! I can say that it's my favorite among all of them :)


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