Thursday, 31 July 2008

Fairy Tale Swap- Partners

Chloe and Alex

Jayne and Royceann

Beth and Helen

Jessica and Leah

Selena and Me (sorry about that :) )

Ali and Charlotte

Sherry and Jill T

I hope it all goes well I'm very excited about the swap.


  1. Aaaaarrrgghh!!! ME!! ME!!
    Thought I'd registered on day one - I sooooo want to do this swap. Pleeeeeease don't leave me out.

    (How's that for desperate lol)

  2. oops... will add you to it... did you e-mail me? will go rummage through hotmail...

  3. Can I still sign up for the fairy tale swap? I'll e-mail my details. Thanks!

  4. hmm think I may have messed something up somewhere... jayne= jem? argh too many pretend names and real names.....

    halfway through sending emails... well less than... I will get things sorted...

  5. Sorry if it's me that messed up... I'm more than happy to be partners with you :o)
    Off to the drawing board now - I'm soooo excited.

  6. ethelandedna's -- no it wasn't you that messed things up it was all me... but thats ok.... to be honest I tend to work better at the last minute. I've just done two necklaces for an order in about 10 minutes... and really need to work on the next thing *g*... whatever that may be...

    my sketch book is at the ready to draw some fairy tale things...


Say your right words...