Sunday, 6 July 2008

Space/Sci-Fi A Craft Challenge

a bit Marvin isn't he?

Space/Sci-Fi Crafting Challenge
Space the Final Frontier.. These are the voyage of a brave few crafters....
The theme for this crafting challenge is space and science fiction. It’s time to think about rocket ships, princess Leia jewellery, Dr. Who dolls, aliens, stars, astronauts, robots, alien landscapes and far distant planets. If you need help then drag out all the old cheap B-movie sci-fi flicks like Space Camp, or the more cherished Star Wars, Aliens, and Close Encounters (can you hear the music?) . Watch cheesy 80’s tv shows like Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Star Trek and Alf… well maybe not that last one but you get the drift.

The universe is yours to craft with.

So go get crafting and may the force be with you.

Challenges are not mandatory, they are just away to find a bit of inspiration and get your crafting mojo on. When you have finished you challenge craft blog it and link back to the challenge if you find it inspirational. If you have an idea and the time then do it today, or tomorrow, next week or next month, all challenges are open to interpretation and time scale. If you go on holiday and find that your crafting has gone kaput on your return perhaps a crafting challenge is in order to kick your brain into craft gear.

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