Friday, 12 September 2008

strange fruit

faceted onyx and red jade bracelet
Ok I totally admit to being obsessed with black and red jewellery at the moment, and here is another example of black and red, a second Poison Apple Bracelet, with a single vibrant red jade bead and a silver plated apple toggle clasp. How cute is this? well I think it is anyway, and it will be going up for sale on my etsy shop later today.

a larger image of the whole bracelet

purple jade choker

I am also in love with this simple purple jade choker, I wish that the sun would come out because this image does the necklace no justice, its really pretty I just love the mauve-y purple colour of the jade beads. I really really want to keep this for myself because its my favourite shade of purple.

what else have I been up to recently....?

vintage green linen handkerchief

Oh yes I remember....I found this green linen handkerchief in a basket at the antiques store in town, there are some lovely embroidered treasures there but I was looking for something that was plain to embroider myself. When I found this brilliant green handkerchief I knew it was perfect to practice my doodle embroidery on. And I even knew who it would be for, Katy as she loves green, and she sent us some beautiful flowers a few days after we moved house. I sadly neglected to photograph the flowers, something to do with not having found the box the camera was in yet.

I must have doodled a dozen different motifs and squiggles before I decided on a shoe and the words "shoe love", if you know Katy and her blog then you will know why. Oh and it had to be in orange, I was quite tempted to do a Halloween doodle with Gilbert the Ghostie and a pumpkin but I think the shoe works fine and I hope Katy likes it.

closeup of orange shoe love embroidery


  1. oh the jewellery is beautiful - love the apple toggle.

    katy is a very lucky lady - your embroiderey is fantastic - very quirky!

  2. I love those doodles, they are absolutely charming.

    That jewellery is beautiful too. The bracelet is my favourite.

  3. Wow - from someone who professed to be unable to seem to have found quite a talent there.
    Love the jewellery too.

  4. Wow that doodle embroidery looks great. Um I hate to tell you this, but you can sew. That's what embroidery is. :D Your wares look impressive as well. Off to your Etsy store to see if you have anything my friend would go gaga over. :D

  5. The embroidery looks great! I immediately thought of Katy when I saw it and had to giggle when I saw it really is for her. Soul Monday rocks!
    I love the poison apple jewelery and paintings in your Etsy shop!

  6. Beautiful jewellery Meri and LOVE the handkerchief.

  7. The hanky is excellent.
    You've got it spot on for Katy!

    I love the bracelet too.

  8. Ooh, lovely goodies, the black and red jewellery is fab, very goth :)


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