Monday, 27 October 2008

Happy Birthday Little Buddy

Yesterday was H's 5th birthday, and as such I spend all weekend in a flurry of baking wrapping presents and furiously cleaning the house. I can't believe my little baby boy is now 5. He had a Halloween themed birthday with a fancy dress (costume) party...

I think we managed one game of pass the parcel before things deteriorated into plastic guns vs. lighCheck Spellingtsabers and swords. I managed to stay calm and relatively collected and the kids were brilliant, H was ecstatic. though mostly because we bought a Wii for him, as he has been trying to save his money for months to buy one. bless.

The house is tidy now, except for the decorations we will leave up till after Halloween. And now we will be off to Paris in the morning for two nights, as part of H's present, and someplace to go away for a bit so I stop thinking about being homesick for the states.

More pictures of the house and the party and Paris when we return. I best go get packing then!


  1. happy birthday H

    have a great time in Paris - not a bit jealous, nope, not a scrap

  2. thanks Annie.. and promise I will blog your robot things next.. after I let H decorate a sugar cookie.. he was too busy last night!

  3. no, I'm not jealous either!
    Have a great time - and happy birthday H!

  4. i'm jealous!!!!
    now make sure you buy antique french books this time!!!

    happy birthday "H" - enjoy the pain au chocolate!!!

  5. Happy birthday H and I hope your trip to Paris is lovely.

  6. What a handsome little chap !

  7. Happy Birthday Master H. Hope you had a fab birthday. :D

    Imagine that being able to "pop over" to Paris for a few days. Lucky Brits... But then again you would need it with all that "fab" weather you get.

  8. Happy 5th birthday! Paris sounds wonderful. I'm definitely jealous!


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