Monday, 10 November 2008

I need coffee

I need coffee today, M has made me one... or two.. possibly three but he has promised to take me to Starbuck's by Ikea tommrow for a tall latte with an extra shot, in a red cup. Yes I am that sad to be excited about getting a red cup from starbucks, I might even paint one.


  1. well i will be needing a coffee or seven tomorrow. bad bad me, all self induced. wonder how i will cope on the bike ride i promised to go on with a friend if the weather holds.... um i get excited about red cup coffees at starbucks too. would love to see what you would do with a red cup....

  2. I wish I liked coffee. I love the smell of the beans and coffee brewing but I've never liked coffee. I drink Coke instead which has to be far worse for you! Enjoy your coffee tomorrow!

  3. good luck anna!

    jillytacy- I used to hate coffee but love the smell of it and the colour... I started drinking rediculouly sweet iced white mochas with whipped cream and sprinkles, gak.. then went on to frappachinos and carmel miacchiatos... both of which I nver drink anymore too sickly sweet.. now its just the hard core lattes for me. although there is one place I still can't drink the coffee. Thats Wolf Coffee in Santa Rosa it has the darkest bitterest strogest espresso I have ever had. I can only drink about a quarter of a cup..

    I'm a coke girl too.. but it must be from a can or a glass bottle never plastic.


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