Monday, 17 November 2008

Smoky Quartz Pendant Giveaway

smokey quartz and onyx beaded pendant

I have been wanting to do another giveaway for awhile now, and as yesterday was such a bust I spent the whole time I was at the fair making a few more pieces of jewellery and made two more pendants identical to this one. With Christmas come soon I thought it would make a lovely present to give or something to keep and wear when going out.

All that I ask is that you leave me a nice comment (I could do with a bit of cheering up) and tell me about something you plan make this Christmas Season or what you want Santa to bring you.

I will draw a winning name next Monday!


  1. That is beautiful, really hope that I win!
    You are very talented.
    This year I will be helping my sons to make Christmas cards for our relatives and friends and also decorating pots for our winter bulbs (again presents).

  2. Meri (You know I want to win!!!)

    Your stuff is fab! Don't let the financial market situation get you down. I am dreading my fair in two weeks!

    For Christmas I would like Santa to bring me the 2nd volume of the Bead & Button books. I would also like a Big Shot and loads of card...and...and...and!

  3. Ahh my to make list is huge. I want to make Jen of the painted fish a circle t-shirt and placemat settings (she spoils CT silly), for Donnie I want to make her a wallhanging for her new sewing room, for Happy a pair of way out pjs, for S another new semi casual dress shirt (made one for his birthday on the 19th that he doesn't know about) and for Miss CT a 2 way backpack, a travel activity tote, a busy book, improve the stroller, a new dress, a dolly quilt for the stroller (among too much other stuff). For the house?? Um seeing that every year of our married life I have headed to my parents' house, I have virtually nothing. I need to get cracking.... Not that I will really get everything on that list completed....

  4. I love this pendent! You are very talented.:)
    I'm waiting to see if Santa brings me some crochet hooks, I've been making some very big hints. As for making stuff I've stoopidly said I'm going to make everyone's Christmas presents, which I really oughta get started on..soon.;)

  5. *elbows everyone else out the way*

    me me me me me me!!!

    My to do list is huge, so what i need is that necklace to take my mind off it, ok? Thanks ;)

  6. It's lovely, but don't enter me!

  7. The pendant is really beautiful and of course I'd love to win it!

    This year, I am planning to make presents for my children's teachers and assistants. I have some small stretched canvasses and am going to paint, collage and use some metallic inks on them. Just not sure which designs to use yet.....

  8. don't listen to Katy - i think i should win it - me me ME!!!!

    i want santa to bring me a pro flickr account and 3 more hours per day everyday!!

    i will be making cupcake brooches for xmas pressies and handmade christmas cards & tags - i'd best start now then!

  9. Love that pendant - I'm here to stake my claim! I haven't even *thought* about what I want for Xmas - but would really like to make my boys something - I have an idea for caterpillar/butterfly toy that I'm going to try out. Oh, and some felt white mice!

  10. I just stumbled upon your blog and have now added it to my favorites.
    Our family which includes, mom, dad, 4 boys and a baby girl have decided to have a completly handmade Christmas. All their presents to us have to be made by them and vice versa. Right now I am working on felt hair clips for the babe, crocheted blankets for the boys and piecing together some journals. Thanks for your blog, it is so much fun to read!

  11. Beautiful !

    To do list is as long and endless as the M25 ...
    But, I will mostly be making tea cosies, doorstops, cushion covers and fairy cakes - complete with edible glitter x

  12. Ohh it's really beautiful..
    I'd love to be able to make things like this but have no idea where to start really :(

  13. It's a gorgeous pendant. Hope you had as much joy making it as someone will have wearing it. I also really liked your tiles. Very funky.

  14. Beautiful pendant.

    For family I'm contemplating making a guitar shaped cushion for DS, a ballet slipper one for DD and a Rubik Cube one for DH!!

    [Whispers].. I'd love a new fancy sewing machine from Santa

  15. *jumps up and down waving arms*
    me me meeee! it's just lovely!

    I'm mostly making scarves, hats and tea cossies for family and friends this year (i usually go with a theme!), and i've asked santa for a press-stud setter and i'd quite like a new pair of scissors for cutting fabric.

    I love your new stone-tile-magnets. very sweet :)

    ps....PICK MEEEE! ;)

  16. Hi. That's such a lovely pendant! I wish I had the talent to make things like that. It has inspired me to check out your Etsy items now. If I were lucky enough to win it, I would give it to my 17 year old daughter as a congratulations present for getting straight A's in all her exams this year! I love to GIVE, it's such a good feeling. HAPPY CHRISTMAS, Meridian, love, ellie x

  17. I would like Santa to bring me some nice clothes, I haven't bought myself anything new in ages! And a pair of new glasses, if he can afford it...

    I love pendant and would love to find it in a box under the tree!

  18. That is so beautiful, I love smoky quartz. I hope the comments you've had on here and on Crafteroo have given you back your confidence in your abilities - you absolutely have nothing to worry about.

    Oh, and I'd like Santa to bring me more hours in the evening and weekend so I can craft. Oh, and a big bag of Minstrels to eat while I'm doing it - they don't exist here in Holland. :(

  19. Last year I made everyone scarves. This year I'm thinking about mittens, but I haven't started working on them yet.

    I'm also working on a paper pieced quilt for one of my girlfriends whose had very bad man luck this year.

    I'm hoping Santa will bring me a new bike.

    Best of luck with the giveaway.

  20. I love this...your work is absolutely gorgeous...I hope lI win:)

  21. You have some beautiful work. I found you through Syko.
    Not much going on here for Christmas as we are leaving for the warmth for two weeks. Lots of baby quilts to finish before and after.

  22. What a lovely piece - very simple and classic and warm; looks like it would feel so lovely around my neck......
    I hope you don't feel too dispaired by this market, and keep trying. My husband and I have been doing a few market stalls (very quiet also.. lots of good feedback, but it's not quite as good as real actual sales, is it!).

    I think I will be screen printing organic cotton t-shirts for the kids this year (try to not do adult presents...). And making lots of things for our market stall; handscreenprinted hemp cushions, stationery wraps, etc... (check our website, if you like

    I just found your blog, via Annie at Overmilkwood.

    Take care.

  23. Aw. Sorry you had such a bad fair. Those really, really suck.

    My list this year...not making much, except for a few cute outfits. What I *want* is remarkably similar to what you are giving away, lol.

  24. Your pendant is gorgeous! I love the colour. So pretty!

    This year I got into my head that I wanted to try and make some of my gifts (embroidered ornaments, tea towels). I have no idea how I'm going to get them done in time with work and other commitments. I have this scary realisation that I'm going to go shopping at the last minute!

  25. Very pretty! I'd love to win it! I could use a beautiful pendent to wear to school. Now if only it could help me do the paperwork I need to complete for school. I have a mountain of paperwork on my desk!

  26. Wow what a gifted lady!

    I love the pendant and the rest of your site is gorgeous!

  27. What lovely jewellery (and a great way to get people looking at your blog [wink])


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