Thursday, 6 November 2008

the water nymph

water nymph

Beautiful and alluring, she lurks in the depths, hair green as the sea, and a heart just as cold. Don't listen to her song my friend, her lyrics may be sweet but death lurks behind those smiling eyes. Don't listen to the siren's call, cover your ears and turn you ship from the rocks. She's waiting my friend to take you in her cold arms, wrap you in her long flowing hair and drag you down into the depths of the sea.

so er yeah anyway I have had my paints, and book pages out today. this is the first finished one, the rest have details to be added later tonight. But the water sprite/nymph/mermaid is my favourite. I think its the long flowing hair, I can imagine it floating on the current, or as a dark mass as she hides among the rocks singing her mournful song. Time for a warm up and a spot of coffee I think.


  1. hi it's nice bolog
    Me Rajesh From Nepal
    please mail me
    and also visit my blog

  2. Hi! I've just discovered your blog and I took a look at all of the pages. I think I fell in love with your vintage book paintings! First thing I thought was how come I didn't think this before :) I will definitely try them later. Keep up the good work!

  3. ooh, lovely Meri ! She looks lovely and er 'watery' x

  4. What a lovely nymph. Love the beautiful colours you have used. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your work is so beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind comment for le Carotte... he's expecting a shipment of jewels any day now! ;)

  7. Oooo! I love it! You know I'm a fan of your book paintings! I love the flow of her hair and the colors, it just makes you think of being under water. Another book painting masterpiece! Gorgeous!


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