Saturday, 3 January 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New year...well a few days after the start of the new year anyway. I have been busy keeping H busy, mostly with playing Star Wars Lego on the DS, and avoiding going out for a ride or walk in the cold with M. Its not that I don't want to walk, I like to walk but I don't like being forced to and all I wanted was to curl up by the fire and read my books, and take all the Christmas decorations down and shove them into the attic and shift about some furniture here and there.

Resolutions? Well I did make a few, of the lose weight, get fit, go on a diet variety.. as well as working on my writing and finishing off that Poison Apple Tree fairy tale I started but haven't had a chance or the motivation to finish yet. and the hope to continue on my crafty path and learn more crafty skills.

Aftermath? Christmas was really good despite getting a cold that seemed to never want to leave and some of the things I wanted to do never got done (mainly baking) but in the end I was happy that everything went well. All my handmade ornaments and rice warmers were received gratefully so I didn't need to worry about them as much as I did. H loved his Owl bed warmer and told M he was never going to ever use the old plaid one again. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside .

I'll post some pictures soon but blogger is hating me at the moment.


  1. Happy New Year Apryl. I look so forward to meeting you this spring!

  2. Apryl,
    Good luck with your resolutions in 2009. I look forward to hearing the poison apple tree fairytale and seeing your creative and crafty endeavors in 2009. Happy new year!


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