Tuesday, 27 January 2009

movies and tv

Today I have cleaned the whole house top to bottom. Or at least hidden the mess so you can see it. Blueberry muffins are cooling on the wire rack and I have sewn two lavender and rice warm bags. I have no pictures at the moment to show you as M has taken one of the leads to Austria and I can't find the other lead to let the camera talk to the computer and so on. But there will be posts with pictures soon.. and a new recipe for dark chocolate cheesecake that I threw together Sunday night.

I served the cheesecake and some homemade pizza to some girlfriends that came over to watch a DVD. What DVD you ask, Pineapple Express, not the sort of film I would go see at the theater but it was stupid and funny, and we had a laugh watching it.

As M is away until Wed night I also rented a The Happening, and Skin Walkers. The happening was well crap in the magical M. Nighty Night Shamalan no answers, only questions and completely dissatisfying. Skin Walkers was pure cheesy horror, (BRILLIANT)a few twists on the usual werewolf legends but it was fun to watch. Loved it, guns, werewolves, and the guy that was the emo alien kid in that Roswell tv show. Though all grown up, beefy arms and guns ablazing, and not an emo alien pout to be seen, though definitly high on the angst o' meter.

I have also watched the first episode of Supernatural Series 4! Love love love that show. Its great, great music, monsters, mayhem, Sam and Dean, moody lighting, sarcasm, geekage, Dean and Sam, the Impala, pie, and coffee! Watching the second episode Thursday as forgot to sky+ it and I missed it on Sunday. p.s. don't tell M I watched it as I wasn't supposed it watch it without him. shush its a secret...

more craftiness and baking to ensue shortly... right now I need coffee and a blueberry muffin, for I have no pie.


  1. Oh wow, cleaning the house *does* take up time (and it takes me an entire day to clean up this teeny apartment as it is!).

    Oh, "The Happening". It was a disappointment. The only redeeming quality was Mark Wahlberg, an eye candy for me. No? No other takers? Oh goody, more for me then (ha)!

    Pineapple Express. Hmm. I kind of knitted my way through the movie...
    You'll have to remind me to check out Skin Walkers.

    Can't wait to see pictures of that pizza and cheesecake. Must be yummy!!!

  2. juanita.. LOL... I was serving food and cooking through most of the milm to be honest.. last last half was better than the first... and I do quite like Marky Mark.. but his acting was freeking terrible in the happening..

    skinwalkers was good if you love cheap canadian werewolf movies.. which I happen to like.. *g*

  3. I'm sorry, I had to read your reply comment again. You lost me the first time at Marky Mark.

  4. marky mark= mark wahlberg.. it was his rapper name or whatever.. he got his start in the music industry by being the little brother of the Donnie Wahlberg from New Kids on the Block...

    sorry my brain and my typing don't always go together!

    was on my way out the door to fetch H so my typing was worse than normal..

    I miessed half of Pinapple Express as I was cooking.. but the last half of the film was ok.

    Mr. Wahlberg's acting was definitly not oscar worthy in "THe Happening" .. quite terrible actually...

    and I like crappy horror movies...

    does that translate my horrid typing for you? *g* sorry it is terrible isn't it?

  5. Oops! My fault. I confused you when I meant "lost"... Lost as in 'Gone to Lalaland and dreaming about Mark'.

    Your typing's not crappy. In fact, I understand you perfectly!

  6. That chocolate cheesecake was divine :-) and Pineapple Express very funny, I particualarly liked the bit when one of our friends watching with us asked 'what's a roach' bless her, she is sooooo innocent, she really needs a job in a private girls school, not secondary ed here.....

  7. frizbe.. yeah but she would probably end up at St Trinians or something to that effect and they would destroy her. bless

  8. I didn't make through past the first half an hour of Pineapple Express. Ended up returning it unfinished. Bleh.

    The Happening, def a disappointment; Skinwalkers, darnit, I thought you meant the other kid in Roswell...HE was my fave. :p And Supernatural is a ritual here...for me, anyway. Kids get too scared, dh watches me watching it with earphones in, and makes me give a running commentary, so that he knows what's going on, but doesn't have to confess to watching it. :p

    Let us know if you spring St Trinians on your friend. lol


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