Sunday, 1 February 2009

warm and cozy

more lavender and rice warm bags
I've been sewing again, more rice bags I'm afraid, I just love making them, it makes me happy to make something that will be warm, cozy, and comforting. M has dragged one up to the framing shop for me to see if they would be interested in having one or two on display. I'm not sure about that, as I doubt my skills very much at this new found sewing lark, though I doubt myself at most things anyway so its no great stretch.
Sorry about the poor quality of the second photo, if the sun ever feels like peeping out from the clouds today I will attempt to get another photo. The fabric is Cath Kidston, a small sample scrap I ordered but wasn't really sure about but I think it looks really nice on the lavender bag.

another one with Cath Kidston fabric (sorry about bad light)

My Dad says I should try and make some ipod covers, which I might but seeing as i don't actually have an ipod (just a quite cruddy Sony MP3 player) I haven't tried yet but I may try and give one a go Monday. What do you think? and would you consider buying any of my sewing items? lavender rice bag or otherwise? depending on how much more sewing I do before my brain switches to something else.

I think its time for a to do list

have a go at making and ipod cover
drag beads out and make at least one bracelet
update etsy shop before everything expires
finish owl design for swap and make it
get thinking cap on for Crafteroo Challenge
2x lavender drawer sachets/door hangers
sketchity sketch sketch
make cinnamon rolls.. (OK that's not really a to do list but someone asked me for the recipe and now I can't get the thought of ooohie gooey cinnamon rolls out of my little brain. )
watch Supernatural (what it can totally be on my to do list)
(along with) drink copious amounts of coffee

and more stuff but I have lost interest in this whole list writing thing as H whinging about wanting cake and balloons and apparently I "HAVE" to watch the end of A Knight's Tale with him for the 10 thousandth time..


  1. Oh Apryl ur too funni! I too have lists upon lists and to tell you the truth I usually forget to LOOK at the lists I have made and go willy-nilly off into the day and do whatever comes to mind at any given moment! LOL! But you know it has to be that way when you have children, they are so of-the-moment which = FUN! Have a great day, best, Ani

  2. very cool - saw something similar a few weeks ago - and your post reminded me of it - thinking of one for my mother-in-law whose hands are always . . . well, FREEZING! Lovely designs - thanks for the reminder and the inspiration.


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