Thursday, 26 March 2009

PennyDog Knitting Needles

black glitter knitting needles (the wool is Noro Kureyon)

Look what Mr. Fluffy Haired Postie brought for me on Tuesday! Fantastically fabulous black glitter resin knitting needles handmade by the incredibly talented (and published) Kerry of PennyDog Jewellery . I will admit that I may have badgered her quite a bit that she needed to get black glitter for her resin knitting needles, I won't take all the credit or blame though as Dria and a few others also annoyed her as well.

I wasn't expecting them as a gift, even though she said she would send me something for the balls of yarn I sent her for display purposes. Its the loveliest thing about being a crafty blogger, how lovely everyone is in the blogging/crafting community, its enough to make one cry, or at least make me cry that there are so many like minded and helpful people out there. It is truly a wondrous thing.

Kerry do these knitting needles have a name? Black Glitter or something more emo or goth glam?

I can't wait to start knitting with them, I'm not sure what my knitting is only very simple, but I do need to knit a rock cover for the Knitted Nature knit Graffiti Challenge on Crafteroo.


  1. Gosh - Kerry made them? They're amazing! I thought she had just sent them to you as a swap gift or something. She's a clever girl, that one..and still a baby too *sigh*

  2. Hehehe I hadn't thought of a name til now as I forgot to photograph them to list in my shop for future orders. D'oh. I sent you them since you send me a rice warmer earlier this month :)

    Anyway names, hmmmmm.... Is Black Magic a bit cliche?

    Also I should point out that the clay ends are by the talented Gill from Hollingdale Designs- I bought them from the Comic Relief shop!

  3. pennydog- they should be named Meridian after me! *wink*


    Melantha (it means black flower in Greek)

    no ideas

  4. Great needles. Hope you enjoy using them!

  5. Oooh love those black needles!! (the clay ends aren't bad either ;) ) Thanks for the plug PD!!

  6. love those!! well done Kerry ... and Gill!

    Meri... lol at your fluffy postie! :D

  7. Wow, those are gorgeous, may have to come round and drool over them, well done Kerry for making them :-)

  8. they are lovely - and should be named midnight meridian in your honour!

  9. Very nice. You must feel like a queen when knitting with these gorgeous needles. What's the song?

  10. Oooh, lovely. I'm s jealous and impressed. Beats my emergency fimo needles by a million miles.

  11. Such nice needles... thanks for the link.


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