Saturday, 13 June 2009

Red Rock Wasted

this is me knitting at Crich

Today is World Wide Knit In Public Day so I brought some knitting with me on a picnic to Crich Stand, which is not too far down the road from here. Its a lovely day for sitting in the sunshine, and I though it was the perfect chance to do a small bit of knit graffiti. I have wanted to do some form of knit graffiti for awhile now but its hard to do when you don't actually knit that often.

this is a rock on my knitting

So I sat and knit and found a small rock to wrap my knitting around, and there you have it, one small knit rock. I clambered about and took a few pictures leaving the red knit rock on a section of dry stone walling. We were ready to go, when all the sudden H realized we didn't have the rock, I explained it was meant to stay there for someone else to find. Cue tears and drama, and H hugging the rock for dear life. *face palm* maybe next time. knit graffiti = fail

red knit graffiti covered rock and Crich Stand

the light at the top of Crich Stand

Crich Stand


  1. Great photograph with the knit graff stone :)

  2. Your so talented! I love the red knit. :) Those photos are gorgeous! Thank you for taking us with your on this little day out! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  3. Oooo, I like your shoes! And the knitting, and the photos. But the shoes *covet*

  4. Totally cool! Love the colour of your wool and fab photos. :-)

  5. great knitting and great pics xx keep up the good work

  6. That is so hilariously cute that the rock was so loved! :lol:

  7. Ah bless! That sounds like something my little one would do!


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