Saturday, 22 August 2009

and the winner is......

and the winner (picked by asking H to tell me a random number between 1 and 12) of the little painted page is ....


who said said...


How about the fact that despite owning a pair of shoes with 5 inch platform heels, I fall over when I'm not wearing any shoes!

Also, apparently I get very Bristolian when I've had a drink, and that tends to make everyone around me a) giggle and b) try and imitate it!


there is still time to sign up for the 80's Fantasy Movie Swap.. and I will have some more giveaway's soon.. sorry I have been most remiss and absent in my blogging recently... two more weeks and the summer holidays are over and I can get on with my crafty ways!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I don't think I've ever won anything before!


    I shall PM you my address and things at Crafteroo!


Say your right words...