Saturday, 5 September 2009

recycled t-shirt cushion

more fun with old t-shirts

More crafting with H's old t-shirts.. I was going to make some more knotty t-shirt yarn but the graphics on the front of some of his shirts won't pull out into yarn so I thought I would try something different with them. They are wonky and the tiger was quite close to the neck of the green shirt so that make it difficult to salvage, but for my first cushion cover it looks OK (from a distance).

I hope H likes it when he returns home, It's meant to go into the shed/summerhouse which is being built today, despite the fact it feels freezing out. I have a few more old shirts of H's to play around with and see what I end up with. I didn't use a pattern I just put them together and they were the right size for a small cushion I had so I turned the small patchwork of t-shirts into a cushion cover. I had thought about a throw as I saw a t-shirt throw on etsy last year and the idea must have stuck in my little brain.

I'm freezing... I need a coffee... take care you lot that still read my ramblings.


  1. Those are some awesome t-shirts, nicely re-worked :)

  2. That's a great idea! I expect Miss teenager would like to keep some of her non-fitting band shirts and this would be a great way to keep them...

    Awesome idea!!!

  3. I've told you everywhere else, but I'll tell you again... Love it! Those were great t-shirts and make a very cool cushion :)

  4. I think it looks awesome! I think i'll do this with some of our old gig t-shirts ofr my husbands office/music room!

  5. it's brilliant - you are very clever you know and should big yourself up more!

  6. great idea! I am going to make a patchwork quilt out of my other half's old tshirts. He has a huge amount of them, partly because he has never thrown anything away. At all. He has lived on his own for 9 years and there is so much stuff everywhere. this means I get to get rid of his very old tshirts out of the drawers, without actually throwing them away!

  7. It is a very nice and good post. Keep up the good work.

  8. Oh now this I love! I have an Alice Cooper shirt that is full of holes as I've worn it into the ground but I love it so much... this could be the perfect solution to OH's nagging about throwing it in the bin! And even better... I get to cuddle Alice! Whoo! Do you mind me asking did you stuff it with anything in particular or did you make it to fit a pillow?

  9. This is so cool and such a great idea! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  10. Thank you for the great information! I would not have discovered this otherwise!.


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