Friday, 23 October 2009

Skellingtons, vampires and applesauce

cinnamon apple sauce

I should be doing a post for each of these creations but I just finished the Jack Skellington cake for H's birthday party later and I am terrible pleased I think I may fly about the room in a minute.. or at least fly up to wash my hair....

Jack Skellington cake

really must run as I cant find my witches hat and I need it for H's party (his actual 6th birthday isn't till Monday)

vampire cupcake



  1. Those cakes look so yummy!! Happy birthday to your boy, hope you all have a great day! :)

  2. Beautiful cake my dear!

    Happy birthday little guy xx

  3. Gosh well done on the cake it looks superb. The little cakes are cute too. Love the sound of the applesauce.

  4. That cake is absolutely SUPERB! Also really like the vampire buns.

  5. Hi Apryl-

    I'm Judd Corizan from the blog Sunday Stealing. Every week we rip a meme off someone's blog. Today we chose yours from Wednesday. We give you full credit and link back to your blog. The great thing is that a lot of previous "victims" such as yourself have become regular players! We publish the blog between 3 and 6 PM EDT. We usually get between 60 and 80 people who play and comment on each other's responses. And a lot of our players are previous victims of our theft like you! We hope you play along in the weeks to come! Thank you and have a great day...

  6. Happ birthday to your boy! I adore your Jack Skellington cake sooo much! Hope you're having a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  7. your cakes always look amazing and delicious but that Jack cake is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G i wish i'd been a fly on the wall when H got home and saw it!
    wow six years old - it is scary how quickly the years fly by.


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