Saturday, 28 November 2009


Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends and family. This blog post would have been done sooner if I hadn't have gotten so busy with the holiday, shopping, and a last minute trip to London on the weekend.

Thanksgiving turned out ok despite H being poorly with cold and needing me by his side every few minutes for cuddles, Wizard of Oz watching, and general entertainment. The entertainment being me playing Super Mario Galaxy while he ordered me about like a poorly little prince. (I friggan hate you Mario, Luigi, Bowser, and especially you Princess peach for not rescuing yourself. )

The Day before Thanksgiving I sent Matt shopping with the following items on the list.

pecans (for the pecan pie -I hate pumpkin pie)
turkey breasts or turkey crown (I never do a full turkey my oven isn't big enough)
cranberry sauce
brown sugar
stuffing mix (but not sage as I'm allergic *lame*)
sweet potatoes
Half an hour after I sent him on his merry shopping way the phone rings and the following conversation took place.
me: hello?
Matt: they have no turkey.
me: What? its a store.. they always have turkey!
Matt: They have no turkey.
me: none at all? *incredulous*
Matt: Well they have minced turkey.. we could have turkey burgers...mmmm burgers
Me: anything else?
Matt: um there are some chunks of cheap turkey with veins, and bones, and gristle.
Me: uh no there anything else?
Matt: a chicken?
Me: that will have to do...
so Turkey Day this year was replaced by chicken day, it was not the end of the world. To be truthful I'm not a huge turkey fan anyway. Poor H had about three bites of dinner then lay his head down on the table and nearly fell asleep. So I took him to his bed then settled down to watch a show and eat pecan pie.
What am I thankful for?
  • my family, even though we are very far apart I know I just need to call and my parents would do anything for us
  • for a wonderful husband who makes me laugh, even if he generates as much mess as H does.
  • an amazing son, who is funny, clever, a con artist, who never shuts up, and is a complete and utter drama king who probably needs stage school.
  • my mother in law who is just lovely and irons Matt's shirts so I won't burn them.
  • my friends both here, on the interwebs and in the States.
  • the blogsphere for being a wonderful place, full of inspiration and crafty camaraderie.
  • the few customers who have bought my little crafts and made it so I could afford to buy a few more craft supplies.
  • and thank you Word for letting my write my drabbles and only bitching about my bad spelling and terrible grammar and not telling me how bad my writing really is.

vintage postcards found on the interwebs ages ago, I don't know the source.

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