Thursday, 21 January 2010

Converse One Star Cushion

Apologies in advance for the dire photo, the light had gone and I couldn't wait to share the cushion because I'm so happy with how it turned out. The cushion was made from a Converse shirt of Matt's that we bought at Target last year in Idaho. After having a coffee at the Starbucks inside the shop first. Oh how I miss Target, I never through I would after all those years of working there dressed in tan and red.

The shirt had a couple of holes in a sleeve and at the bottom but the rest of the shirt was in good condition so I thought it needed to be recycled into something else. A cushion was the simplest thing I could think of as I already had a cushion inner that was taking up space in the box I keep my fabric in. It was a simple and fun project and I'm glad the shirt is still around. It was a nice shirt! Matt has acquired it for the back of his chair in the office, citing that it was his shirt so it should be his cushion!

the shirt before I hacked at it


  1. that's really good it looks great and i s'pose he's right his shirt cushion for his chair!

  2. Looks really good. I would have pinched it too ;)

  3. Oh that's lovely! And what a good way to recycle an old shirt too :o)

  4. Great idea. I have a dress that I don't want. Now I know what to do with it.

  5. Nice idea, and looks fabulous. I am gonna have a look in the husbands wardrobe later *evil grin*


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