A week or two ago I followed a
tweeted link to a competition to win a ticket to the Ideal Home Show, plus a friend, to have tea at...... 'a fabulous Mad Hatters Tea Party at 5pm in the elaborately themed
Alice in Wonderland garden,with a selection of tea’s from Twinings, Cupcakes from Baketique and beautiful hats from British Milliner Emma Fielding. You’ll also have the opportunity to receive free Beauty Treatments, and will be treated like a total VIP all day!' .... I never thought I would win in a million billion years because I'm not really the winning sort.. I think it must skip a generation because my dad can win at anything, and I pretty sure H could win anything he set his little heart on if he tried.
I'm not a complete loser mind, I have won other giveaways but not on the scale some lucky crafters do, but that's OK. Perhaps things are looking up for me, we go on holiday in two weeks time (to visit some close friends in the San Francisco Bay Area for a few days before flying to Spokane, WA and driving to Idaho to visit with my parents for a few weeks), the sun has actually come out to shine in the sky like some magical orb nearly forgotten about, and yesterday was Mothering Sunday so I got flowers and got to do nothing all day (mostly)!
So anyway where was I? oh yes I won
tickets to a fabulous event, with hats apparently, but I don't know if I will be able to get down to London (train tickets are expensive) and don't know if I can rope anyone to go with me (Matt says he isn't bothered about going and grumbled about it being 5 days before we fly and the day before his birthday too). What to do ....what to do.....???