Saturday, 27 March 2010

photo meme thingamagig

So Flamesparrow tagged me with this photo meme so here goes...

Open the first photo folder and pick the tenth picture...

OK I can do that but there aren't that many photos on my laptop yet.. everything is on Matt's computer or the web album. The tenth photo in the first folder isn't a photo I took its of the album cover of REPO the Genetic Opera original soundtrack. It is an awesome movie and soundtrack, *waits for people to run screaming from my blog*

And now, for the 1st pic in the 10th folder...

The Boy at age 3, having a big sulk in a Starbuck's in Seattle because we had to go to the airport next to fly back home and no more visiting Pappy and Grammy. It is one of my favourite photos, though its not from the tenth file because I don't have a tenth file yet!

I don't think I get very many readers now but if you have read this and haven't done it consider yourself tagged and leave me a comment so I can see your pictures!


  1. aha, if any of the files on this computer where in any sort of organised system I might be able to do this...but they're not :p

  2. My photos aren't that organised either! Not sure I'd know where to start.

  3. Thanks for showing us your pic. I'll try and get round to doing this as soon as I can. It's a great idea.

  4. That's a fantastic picture of H! I love black and white pics...

  5. H is just so gorgeous. What a handsome boy!

  6. That photo is so cute! :-) I wish I had a nice blog like you. Though I apparently have my own blog account, all I know how to do is post comments on other people's blogs. I have nothing on my own blog because I have no idea how to do it. I feel like an idiot. :-(


  7. Love the photo,if only I could get organised enough to put some on. Black and white really does the picture justice!

  8. Such a cute photo!! He is really adorable. :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  9. Hey there :)

    Do you know the greatest as well as most used mmo and also role-play game games of the year of 2010 and may be played for 2011?
    If possible tell me the total number of players play in mmorpg's and then in case of rpg's tell methe system specification and a few website where there is stats of those video games may be specified(same goes for mmorpg to).

    Thanks !


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