Friday, 30 April 2010

Strawberry and Lime Mini Cheesecakes Recipe

Strawberry and Lime Mini Cheesecakes
a Cinco De Mayo inspired recipe

2 pkg. (8 oz. each) Cream Cheese, softened
1 pkg. mascarpone cheese
1/2 cup caster/white sugar
1 tsp. grated lemon zest (2 limes)
juice of 2 limes
1 cup sliced and hulled strawberries
1-2 tablespoons of caster/white sugar

for the base:
12 biscuits (makes roughly 1½ cups crumbs)
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon caster/white sugar
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)

6 glass ramekin dishes.

Crush the biscuits and add the melted butter and cinnamon (optional). Mix well and press firmly into the ramekin dishes (alternatively for a larger cheesecake us an 8-inch pie pan). Pat down using the back of a tablespoon. Place in fridge for 30mins to set.

While base is setting. Mix together cream cheese, mascarpone, lime zest, lime juice (I normally put the lime juice in to taste roughly about 2 limes worth but if you would prefer a zestier cheesecake add 1 more) sugar, using a wooden spoon or electric mixer. Pour the cheese mixture over the base and spread evenly. Put cheesecakes in the fridge for at least 1 hour to set, (if making a large cheesecake it will need at least 4 hours to set, preferably overnight).

While the cheesecakes are setting, slice the strawberries and sprinkle with a generous amount of sugar (1 to 2 tablespoons). Just before serving spoon the sliced strawberries and juice over the mini cheesecakes.

cook's notes: I have made these cheesecakes many times and they are always dissapear quickly... I will be making them again next week for Cinco De Mayo to go along with burritos, nachos, and possibly some cinnamon tortilla crisps too.


  1. I am defo trying this. My oh is a big cheesecake fan :)

  2. yu-u-um. you make the prettiest things.

  3. so pretty and i'm guessing equally delicious :o)

  4. Cheesecakes are the new cupcakes, you little trend setter you! :-)

  5. Excuse me as I lick the computer screen...

  6. I see I already left a comment here, but I'm browing around blog stalking you, and I had to say that this looks so good. I'm making this!


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