Saturday, 15 May 2010

Day 02 — A favourite movie

I love so many movies but The Lost Boys has been my favourite since forever, even more than the Goonies, Legend, Labyrinth, and other classic 80's movies. When vampires were vampires, they didn't sparkle, and they had some kick ass music too. I had the album on cassette tape and cd and still listen to it every few months. Recently Seasons After did a pretty good cover of Cry Little Sister that was playing on the radio when we were driving round north Idaho in April.



  1. This is myh fav film ever. Just love everything about it. *swoons* ahhh Keifer oh to be a neck in your town :D

  2. good choice, one of my favs too, cry little sister was my anthem as a teenager. That is a pretty good cover :)

  3. ha ha "you just wait till Mom finds out buddy" i think i need to watch it again soon.

  4. That is a particularly awesome soundtrack. Whenever I hear "People Are Strange" I think of "Lost Boys." I thought the end of the movie was a bit silly, but for the most part think it was a pretty awesome flick.


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