Saturday, 19 June 2010

Archibald the Monster


meet Archibald, a small three eyed monster. He plays to many video games.

His favourite shows are Doctor Who, Doctor Horrible and Firefly. Archibald loves sweets, classic rock, and hates tomatoes and bananas.

Achibald wants to be a space cowboy when he grows up.
Archibald was designed by Harrison, age 6 and a very important 1/2. Harrison helped out in every stage of designing, sewing, stuffing and decorating little Archibald. I have promised that I would list Archibald for sale on etsy (which I have done *wibble* ) and that H would the profits of Arcibald's sale to buy whatever his little heart desire.

did you get that bit about me reopening my etsy shop? Because I did and I am slightly petrified but hey its for H so I had to do it right?

**** Archibald sold! When the email popped through on my phone I teared up a bit (because I'm silly). H is so excited that we get to parcel him and send him on to his new home. He has already asked if we can make another monster together! I told him he is welcome to draw some more monsters and we will make another one together tomorrow.... oh Boy has just run up to whisper in my ear that we will make one for Matt for Father's day tomorrow (nothing like last minute presents eh?) to go with the cards and the breakfast he is making for his dad. bless


  1. Please please reserve Archibald for me! *love* I am in such a hurry going out for the night, but I adore him!
    Will be back in the morning to purchase x

  2. I was so pleased when I saw your tweet that Arch was sold. Hope it will help you get your crafting mojo confidence back! More monsters soon!

  3. He's great, I'm totally not surprised he's sold! Well done :)

  4. Archibald has very good taste in tv-series indeed ! And since Monsters do not have to watch their diet, who cares about him not liking tomatoes and bananas ^^ H is a very talented designer btw ;D

  5. I love that H got to help in designing and creating Archibald. Great job!


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