Saturday, 5 June 2010

Pikachu Onigiri

Today H and I made Pikachu onigiri, with my new pikachu rice mold from CasaBento. It was fun, we nibbled on the rice (flavoured with salt, white vinegar, and sugar) and cut out eyes and mouth from slices of salami and cheese. The yellow ones were made with the same rice, with a little yellow food colouring and cumin for flavouring.

Pikachu rice mold

H ate the white Pikachu within minutes of me photographing it in his new Super Mario bento box, though he very nicely saved the salad and blueberries for me, he is kind like that. The bento box also came from CasaBento, and H is over the moon with it, and hopefully it keeps him happy a bit longer before Super Mario Galaxy 2 is released on the 11th!

Super Mario Bento Box


  1. ooh i like it how does the rice all stay together?

  2. I love this. I'm going to show Devin the bento boxes so he can pick one for school next year. I bet he goes for Pokemon or Super Mario as well.

  3. Super cute :) I'm impressed he eats them too!

  4. awww these are so cute! Better not show my kids or they'll be expecting me to make them a lunch like that ;)


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