Friday, 16 July 2010

500th blog post giveaway

A few posts back was my 500th blog post! I'm quite amazed that I have managed to keep up with blogging for 3 years, but to have done 500 posts.. wow... I know I'm not the most prolific blogger or crafter but blogging has become an important part of my life.

I never kept a diary, I tried, I got give several for birthdays but I never had the knack for the daily scribblings. I always carry a journal with me and write ideas, notes, and doodles but nothing like a diary. I don't vent very often on my blog because I like to think of it mostly as my happy place, that things are positive and creative here (I do have a drabble/writing blog that encompasses my darker thoughts).

I know I haven't got the largest reader base but I treasure the comments from those of you who do come to visit my blog and leave your thoughts with me. I know I have been a little obsessed with making these little monsters lately, it has made me feel so creative to make them and write funny little stories for them, so I hope you don't mind if I giveaway a little monster for my 500th blogpost giveaway, and a few others bits and bobs too.

Meet Milicent the Vampiress

I'm working on Milicent the vampiress story and will send a copy of her story to the winner. All you need to do is leave me a comment with your email address so I can contact you. The winner will be chosen by me with the help of Mr Random Number Generator next Friday the 23.

I will also choose a second winner from the last few doll posts on Friday to win one of my book page doodles and perhaps a bracelet from my jewellery stash.


  1. First comment!!!

  2. yay! Congrats on 500 posts :D I am loving your dolls and really enjoying reading their stories xx

  3. Congratulations on 500 posts! I'm an avid reader here and I'm grateful for all of your inspirational posts.
    That is one sweet doll. Wouldn't I love to win it? ;)

  4. Ooh ooh ooh! Congrats on 500 posts!

  5. Congratulations on your 500th post! Your dolls have blown me away. Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh congrats on 500 and...Pick me pick me! :)

  7. The doll is creepily cute but it's the stories I love teh most! Really enjoyed reading Dexter's this morning :)

    didn't want to share my email publicly but you can contact me through the site if I'm ever so lucky! x

  8. Congrats on the 500 posts, that's quite an achievement.
    I love your dolls and the stories, Dexter is my favorite so far

  9. Wonderful! Congratulations on THAT many posts!! Must join. Of course. And have linked you. Hope you will get lots and lots of comments! x

  10. She funny! I think I like Dexter best cos he's horny! Loving your new doll range. Congrats on all those posts, you are SO ahead of me. Looking forward to finding out her story.

  11. Like I said last night, I love your dollies!

  12. I'm loving the dolls and reading the stories that so with them.

  13. OOOh a monster giveaway! Love it! Frst off congratulations on 500 posts! And thank you for sharing all your creativeness with us. I have enjoyed following your blog.

  14. I just love your dolls!! Congrats on the 500th post and can't wait for the next story :)

  15. Meri you know how much i love your monster dolls and reading you blog, well done on 500 posts :o)

  16. congrats on 500 posts! I do enjoy your ramblings :)

  17. such a great giveaway, congratulation on your 500, that is way too much for me, I moved blog four times through last three years :)

    I am in total love for all your new creations, they make me want one like that, thanks for inspiration too and keep up the great work


  18. like the pointy teeth, congratulations!


  19. Well done on getting to 500 posts! And they've all been entertaining and made me smile!

    driahades [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. Oh congrats on 500 and...Pick me pick me! :)


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