Saturday, 18 September 2010

Craft Challenge: Rubber Stamp Carving?

coffee cup coffee tumbler
a lino cut coffee cup in a coffee tumbler...
yeah I know what can I say we are coffee geeks

Vintage Violet and I were talking yesterday about printing after she took a one day printing class that wasn't her cup of tea/coffee/cider/buttons... I have done a bit of lino cutting before in High School and a few months back, and thought she should give that a go. But then I remembered that lino is tough to cut and I had heard that rubber stamps/eraser stamps are easier to cut. Cue me saying we should have a craft challenge and try to do a small stamp by the end of next week.

Is anyone else up for challenging themselves to carve their own rubber stamp?

Here are some tutorial links I have scavanged from the depths of a 5 minute google search ... and begged off of everyone I know... and I will probably annoy any stamp makers I have vaguely chatted to on flickr, etsy, or twitter.

Tutorial Links

Craft Pudding - has a fab post about tutorials and books.. I may have to order one...or two *hopes Matt isn't listening..or reading this for that matter*

Carve Your Own Rubber Stamp Tutorial by Alma Stoller - looks very nice

Two Cheese Please

Mushroommeadows (lessons 1 and 2 but I cant see a third one.. still very cute and simple)

Carina's Craftblog (5 step tutorial posts with lots of pictures)

Milliande (lots of videos to watch of carving techniques)

Looks like fun doesn't it?

Is anyone else up for challenging themselves to carve their own rubber stamp?

I think I will go look at some more stamp carving books now.


  1. I have been doing this today, they are just doodles tho spirals and stuff oh and I did some lines to use them to write on in my journal, if that makes sense?

    I may do another one then I shall do my show and tell :) x

  2. i think that is a great idea, i tried rubber stamp making and liked it, but i thought that it was too easy to cut too soft and so harder to make desired (a very detailed) pattern, but it may be only me... i will have a go as well as i have bought some nice cutting tool as well :)

    will blog about it too


  3. i bought the supplies today so hopefully i'll make a stamp or a lino cut by the end of the week :)

  4. Interesting! I did lino cutting at school and I think everyone in the class lost a finger that day, blood everywhere! But again that was tough lino, and you aren't 13 so this should work out much better!

  5. Nice fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

  6. I have been doing this today, they are just doodles tho spirals and stuff oh and I did some lines to use them to write on in my journal, if that makes sense? I may do another one then I shall do my show and tell :) x


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