Sunday, 3 October 2010

Hello October

Clifford's Tower

Its October and I am so bouncy happy despite the rain pouring down from the black clouds swirling overhead all day. Its October and that mean apples, and pumpkins, Harrison's birthday and Halloween... and a trip to visit my parents in Idaho at the end of the month!

I am so bouncy and excited, its already the third and I have so much that needs doing before we can fly away and be delighted by all the lovely autumnal things rural Idaho has to offer. September was an awful month and I'm so glad to see the end of it and the beginning of October. It really is my favourite month of the year, I hate winter but Autumn with all the falling leaves and harvest-y things makes me so ridiculously happy (you know till I stress out about the packing and collecting of gifts and the fact that really I am an awful traveller because I cant sleep on planes, and god I hope that Harrison will sleep.

To celebrate the beginning of October we had a little trip up to York, where we bought way too much bread, nibbled on too much cake, oggled things we could not afford, and got thoroughly soaked in the rain.

choosing cakes

We had fun though, and that's the main thing... well that and the fact that I bought a book and some fabric and was inspired to doodle some crafty ideas in my journal for secretive things.

drinking coffee

So hello October I'm so glad you are back, and now I think I best go put the cobwebs up.

Rain rain rain
getting rained on

oh and um sorry about the pictures... I have been having way too much fun with apps on my iPhone.


  1. Fall is a wonderful time! I'm glad you get to come back to the states for some harvest fun. I hope you have a wonderful time! We're looking forward to picking out our pumpkins next weekend.

  2. Yay for lovely Autumn! Happy States (when you get there) :-)

  3. I really like your pictures! What app are you using?

    I enjoy Fall too... For the most part. The wind and rain, not so much :)


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