Tuesday, 19 October 2010

May the Geek be With You

two cards made from a vintage Star Wars annual that I bought from a charity shop in town a few weeks ago... they are quite similar but I am pleased as punch with how they turned out and I cant wait to make some more with some different sayings typed inside with my little white typewriter.
Paige is one of Harrison's little friends... who loves Star Wars nearly as much as Harrison does. Her birthday is a few days after H's so I have been in a flurry of card making and present wrapping.


  1. Smashing cards Apryl... it's my nephew's birthday next week - I don't suppose you'd be up for a little commission if you have Star Wars stuff left?

    Also, I tagged you in my latest blog post (http://wp.me/p11YdZ-cJ)... do pop round if you feel like playing the game, but no worries if not ;-)

  2. great cards!
    i'll happily cross to the dark side for chocolate cake!!!

  3. veryberryhandmade- I have a bit of time in the morning for some card making.. will see what I can come up with as I have the rest of the book to use!

    thank you Amanda and Vv !

  4. Very cute! You have the best sense of humor! It made me laugh.

  5. Ah yes but do they have Pie? :p

    Awesome Cards :)


Say your right words...