sweetness and light

spiteful...don't let the matroyska fool you
The other doll however did not want to go the way I thought she should, no matter what I did nothing worked and I was ready to scrap her all together, rip out her guts and salvage her buttons. In the end I thought it best to finish her so she wasn't in UFO* purgatory. I still think she is a spiteful cow but something of her reminds me of Hyperbole and a Half (which you should totally read because it is a fantastically awesome blog) so she is finished and I have no idea what I will do at her. She still needs a name like Veronica or Agatha or something slightly more malicious... Marigold maybe...
Not everything I touch turns to gold or silver or even tarnished copper... sometimes what I touch turns to crap, and sometimes that crap has a mind of it's own. I have no idea what I'm writing any more. I am now going to put the kettle on because its snowing out I'm cold and I have been a busy bee all day... and now I'm a grumpy bear or something.
*UFO =unfinished object
The first one looks like she is wearing a poppy on her dress so what about calling her Poppy :D
ReplyDeleteI love them both and still think the top one should be called Eva or Evelyn or something like that.
ReplyDeleteWere I not banned from spending any money ever again I would buy both of them now!
Both dolls are fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThe first one could be a Constance or Mariette. The second one...what about Heather? :D Sorry, saw a pic of Winona Ryder recently and was reminded about the films 'Heathers'.
The sweet one looks like a Dot to me, but that's too literal because of her legs. I would definitely trust her to be milk monitor at school.
ReplyDeleteI just hope you're keeping her away from Miss Matroyska, or she'll lead her astray.
I still think you are amazingly talented but it makes me feel better to know that occasionally you struggle to create as well. I feel like what I touch turns to crap more often than not! Your dolls are beautiful!