Tuesday, 4 January 2011

love is...

...spending 25 minutes in the freezing cold scrubbing dog shit off your sons favourite sketchers trainers* with an old kitchen scrubber. Because your stubborn seven year old had a strop and stomped off across the park and though a pile of shit that must have been left by an elephant or possibly a bear that at a diet of wheat-a-bix** and super glue. I may have got crap on my jumper and my hands have only just warmed enough to spread the joy of the new year with you all. So Happy New Year!

* sneakers
**grapenuts or other cereal that is impossable to remove from a cereal bowl.

I'm calm now and warming by the fire while I wait for the kettle to whistle at me.


  1. Oh petal :(

    You're right, that is love though :)

  2. No! What jerk left his massive dog's crap in the middle of the park? Gah!
    Happy New Year to you.

  3. Nightmare! bloody dog owners not picking up/I wish we had park areas specifically for dogs, like the french do, all nice and fenced off from the areas that kids play in (very civilised the french!)

  4. You crack me up! I'm sorry to say I laughed at your sorry plight, but you made it sound funny. In reality it was probably a pretty crappy job and not so funny! You're a good mommy!

  5. Oh how I laughed at this!!! I am sorry you had such a shitty job to do, but thanks so very much for sharing and making me laugh so hard I almost wet my pants :)

  6. aww meri that certainly is love,
    i am a terrible nagger with kids constantly telling them to mind the dog poo look where you're going NO i said LOOK where you're going!
    yesterday some guys dog had a crap right outside my house as i was taking down christmas in a grump, so i banged on the window and told him to clean it up - i must've been pretty damn scary 'cause he did.

  7. Thank you so much for the laugh though I'm sure you weren't laughing. I needed it because I came home to my card bases turned into confetti all over my living room floor. I was not laughing, but sure if I posted the story people would laugh.

  8. You deserve a medal you poor thing.. Happy New Year to you. xx

  9. Oh my. That is just horrendous. And so so funny. Hope your year has been better from here :D


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