Monday, 14 March 2011

silver cup, buttons and books

Silver cup and vintage buttons

silver egg cup and vintage buttons
I have been in a bit better mood the last week. The sun has returned on an off and we have had some lovely walks. I even managed a few thrifty trips to various charity shops. And I won't get in trouble for what i bought as Matt was with me both times, and he bought a few cds and some hamma beads with Harrison. *quitely swears*

On a trip into Nottingham to grab lunch we went into the Oxfam books shop and I bought a vintage Doctor Who annual from 1978, and a vintage ladybird telephone book. I bought them for card and pin badge making if I can bare to cut into them. Yesterday I bought the little silver cup, I think it must be silver plate. I love the patina of age on it and I plan to turn it into a little pincushion when I sit down to do some sewing a little bit later. I also found a dozen or so white buttons and a vintage pressed glass button that will used for doll making.

Charity shop books
Dr Who annual and ladybird telephone book

please check out Apron Thrift Girl for Thrift Share Monday. Where some proper thrifting has been done by some lovely bloggers. Also please have a look at the little doll Harrison and I have made and listed in my etsy shop, the profits for the doll will all go to the Red Cross Earthquake Tsunami Japan fund.


  1. I just love that egg cup.

    I bet the Doctor Who annual has got some cracking pictures in it.

    Have fun!

  2. Love all your vintage finds!
    I really should go to charity shops and flea markets more often as there's so much treasure.

    Can;t wait to see what you make with them, esp. the egg cup :)


  3. Love a vintage Ladybird. Sweet eggcup too!


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